How Can Untreated Sleep Apnea Increase Dementia Risk?

December 27, 2022 104 comment . 0 Views

Sleep apnea is a very common sleeping disorder among adults. In the old days, research on sleep apnea was liked with oxygen deprivation to increase the risk of dementia. Moreover, recent studies have shown that oxygen level fluctuation is a critical factor in brain cell death. However, more investigation is needed.


Sleep apnea is a problem in which you experience stop-and-start during sleeping and has been linked to increased dementia risk and cognitive decline.


New findings also highlight intermittent oxygen deprivation from sleep apnea and can cause neuronal loss of less; hence this may be the foundation or mechanism for a known risk. Consider contacting a dentist for sleep apnea treatments if you find any signs of sleeping disturbance.

How oxygen impacts the brain?

We know that oxygen deprivation impact brain activities, but how? Your nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord, and the tiny nerves that release from the cord and connect to your body for functioning.


Also, your brain gets oxygen with the help of oxygen supply through a web of capillaries that permeate brain tissue. And when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, the brain cells start dying. But the question arises how sleep apnea is connected with dementia? Sleep apnea oral appliance helps you sleep and subsidizes all the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea disorder.

What is sleep apnea?

This condition involves continuous pauses and stops of breathing throughout the night, leading to a highly disturbed night. People with sleep apnea wake up 100 times an hour which is hazardous.


When the oxygen drops with each breath, your sleep moves from a deeper to a lighter stage. And you will wake quickly as you move to the lighter stage of sleep. This may also lead to increased blood pressure along with signs and symptoms. Moreover, there are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive, complex, and central. However, obstructive and central sleep apnea is the most common. Obstructive sleep apnea(Osa) is where you may experience helf or complete obstruction of the upper airways during sleep, leading to intermittent hypoxia or sleep fragmentation. This type is the most common type associated with dementia.


Central sleep apnea occurs because your brain intermittently stops sending signals for breathing.


You don’t need to panic if you have an occasional stormy night’s sleep. But frequent disturbance may be the key. Moreover, ongoing nights of sleep deprivation are chronic and lead to neurodegeneration.

What are the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea?

Suppose you experience any of the following signs. In that case, you should consider seeking a dentist for a thorough diagnosis and sleep apnea treatment in Houston.


  • Poor night sleep quality
  • Waking up many times at night
  • Bathroom visits more than usual
  • If you wake up tired or sleepy
  • With dry mouth
  • Morning headaches
  • Difficulty while concentrating


Sleep apnea is a common disorder among adults. It can cause severe breathing to stop and start the whole night repeatedly. It increases with age, obesity, and smoking. So, if you find any signs of sleep apnea, consider contacting a dentist to know what is best for your health and better sleep. They may help you learn about various helpful sleep apnea dental appliance near me.


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