How To Do The Sumo Deadlift – A Simple Guide

July 6, 2022 104 comment . 0 Views

The sumo deadlift is one of the best lifts you can do to build strength in your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. And although it might seem intimidating at first, once you have the hang of it the sumo deadlift will become an integral part of your workout routine. Follow this simple guide to learn how to do the sumo deadlift properly and see results in no time!

What Is The Sumo Deadlift?

The sumo deadlift is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups in your body, including your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. This exercise is performed by placing your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and keeping your toes pointed outwards. You then bend down and grip the barbell with both hands, keeping your back straight. From here, you drive through your heels to lift the barbell off the ground and stand up tall. The sumo deadlift is a great exercise for building strength and can be used as part of a powerlifting or weightlifting routine.

What Muscles Does The Sumo Deadlift Work?

The sumo deadlift is a great exercise for targeting the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It also works the muscles in the lower back and core. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing the sumo deadlift

Why Should I Use This Exercise?

The sumo deadlift is a great exercise for a few reasons. First, it’s a compound movement, meaning it works multiple muscle groups at once. Second, it’s an excellent exercise for building strength and power. Third, it can be done with relatively heavy weights, making it great for those looking to build mass. Finally, it’s a relatively simple exercise to learn and perform.

How To Do The Sumo Deadlift

The sumo deadlift is a great exercise for building strength and size in the legs, back, and glutes. It’s a compound movement that uses multiple muscle groups, making it an efficient exercise for those looking to get the most out of their time in the gym. Here’s a simple guide on how to do the sumo deadlift

Tips for the Set Up and Execution of the Exercise

1. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointed out at a 45-degree angle.
2. Bend down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, your hands just outside of your legs.
3. Brace your core, and then drive through your heels to stand up tall, keeping the bar close to your body as you do.
4. Lower the bar back down to the ground, maintaining control as you do.5. Aim for 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps.
6. As you get stronger, you can increase the weight you use.
7. Remember to keep good form throughout the exercise to avoid injury!


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