How To Treat Underbite Condition?

March 2, 2022 102 comment . 0 Views

It is important to keep your oral hygiene good for avoiding further health complications. A healthy mouth leads to a healthy stomach and body, a person should always maintain hygiene and make sure of prevention of other oral irregularities. If you are reading this article we consider you a person suffering from an underbite condition, so you must be looking at how to fix underbite. In this article, we have mentioned productive information related to underbite problems that you’ll find help in treatment so make sure to read this entire article to not miss out on anything.

What exactly is an underbite?

An underbite is a dental irregularity in which a person’s lower teeth overlap the upper teeth by extending further which causes major misalignment of the jawbone. This dental condition of underbite is also known as Class III condition of malocclusion

What are the core causes of an underbite?

We have found from studies that underbite can be caused due to many issues such as:

  • Heredity,
  • Use of pacifiers,
  • Thumbsucking,
  • Due to major Injuries

If you are suffering from underbite that has been developing due to heredity then it cannot be prevented soon. For getting a treatment for these types of underbite it is recommended to visit the best orthodontists near me.

What are the indications of underbite?

Here are some indications of underbite that shows you should visit a dentist such as:

  1. If you are suffering from intense pain in your jawbone with some discomfort then it is the sign of underbite.
  2. If you are having difficulty chewing and biting food and opening your mouth it can be due to underbite.
  3. If suddenly you have started witnessing major speech problems( improper speech) then it can be a serious sign of underbite.

What are the treatments available for an underbite?

An underbite has several treatment options including some we have mentioned below, so make sure to read these treatment options carefully:

  1. Invisalign can help in fixing an underbite
  2. Traditional metal underbite braces can help in solving the problem of an underbite.
  3. Upper Jaw Expanders is a common way of treating underbite.
  4. Tooth Extractions are a great way of treating underbite.
  5. Orthognathic (Jaw) Surgery can be performed by the best dentist nearby. You will offer you first some treatment options that we mentioned above for suggesting you cure underbite correction without surgery.

What are the major preventions of underbite?

An underbite doesn’t have many prevention methods but if you are looking for one then we must recommend you to do regular brushing and flossing. It is recommended by many dentists that you should brush and floss twice a day for the prevention of dental irregularities. Manu dentist also displays that it is essential to visit a dentist for a regular checkup which can help in detecting early signs of dental disease.


We hope you liked this article and it was a help for you in knowing much more about underbite and its treatment. If you are someone facing signs of an underbite condition then you should visit adult orthodontics Miami or you can visit our website for pediatric orthodontists.


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