What are the Different Types of Retainers and Their Cost?

May 12, 2021 99 comment . 0 Views

After the treatment of my dental problem, a pediatric orthodontist near me suggest I wear retainers for a while. The appliances which help you to retain the shape and position of your teeth are simply called retainers. The retainers are very important for the treatment of your dental problem. They keep them out from shifting their alignment.

To keep that beautiful smile of yours, you must follow the instructions given by your orthodontist. The instructions are more important after orthodontic treatment. There are a few types of retainers available which we will discuss below:

  1. Clear retainers
  2. Bonded retainers or Permanent retainers
  3. Replacement retainers

What are Clear Retainers?

Clear retainers are a type of removable retainer. This is very much popular in the present day. This is the most comfortable and easy-to-use retainer as compared with a removable retainer or other retainers. The clear retainers for teeth are very much affordable than the permanent retainers. It is difficult to interpret the results of the clear retainers because of their sample sizes and designs.

The clear retainers are made up of plastic material that is clear and slim. The clear retainers after braces hold the teeth in place. They can cause more discomfort as compared to the permanent retainer. In these retainers, your teeth will not touch naturally. In maintaining the effectiveness of teeth, survival rates are good in clear retainers. Because they are less visible, inexpensive, and provides better oral hygiene.

What are bonded and permanent retainers?

The bonded retainer or permanent retainer is made of a metallic wire that is glued to your teeth. This metallic wire is strong and smooth. It helps your teeth to adjust the bite and remain glued. So, that it will not shift or becoming crooked.

Orthodontists use both removable or permanent retainers as a combination for best results. In the recent surveys, the permanent retainers are increasingly in popularity. To prevent your teeth from moving or shifting from their position the permanent retainers are also a good choice after the braces. They are mostly used in the lower jaw. These are also the names of the permanent retainers:

  • Fixed retainers
  • Bonded retainers
  • Lingual wire

When to get a replacement retainer?

It might happen sometimes that your pets chew your retainers or you mistakenly stepped on them. You put them somewhere and forgotten or you misplaced them. These things happen to everyone. It is still best to continue to wear your retainer which gets broken or crooked. While you order for a new retainer and waiting for its arrival. Without a retainer, your teeth may start shifting or might get crooked. You need to get a replacement retainer as quickly as possible.

What is Retainer’s cost?

When we go to an orthodontist for the retainers, the first thing that comes to our mind is retainers cost. There is a different cost for every type of retainer. The cost of the permanent retain is $1000 approximate. The clear retainer cost is $500 nearly. The Hawley retainer cost is $6oo approximately. Due to the affordable range of clear retainers, this makes the most demanding retainer.


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