What Are the Possible Side Effects of Teeth Cleaning?

September 29, 2022 104 comment . 0 Views

Dental experts recommend maintaining dental hygiene as it helps fight against various oral diseases like foul breath, gum diseases, and tooth decay. Also, suppose you want to protect your kids’ teeth. In that case, you must visit the Miami children dentist for regular checkups atleast twice a year.

Individuals should brush and floss their teeth to avoid serious consequences like tooth cavities and last-stage gum disease. When you fail to maintain oral hygiene, you may have severe gum bleedings, loose teeth, and receding gums requiring deep teeth cleaning.

What is a deep dental cleaning?

Deep cleaning is also known as periodontal scaling or root planning. Dentists use this method to clean the growth of plaque & tartar to reduce gum soreness. This method also secures gum health.

Plaque is a sticky substance that develops on the teeth due to frequent consumption of sugary food items and not following the oral hygiene rules precisely. Since we eat daily, the plaque also forms; therefore, you have to clean it using regular brushing & flossing.

Sometimes, brushing can’t eliminate all plaque formed between your teeth, and there is an excess plaque there that becomes hardened and eventually forms tartar.

The constant accumulation of tartar can cause severe gum disease such as gingivitis. Gingivitis is the primary stage of gum disease that causes soreness in the gums. If you ignore this for longer, it may advance, causing periodontitis. It is an advanced stage of gum disease that causes severe infection and may damage the bone holding the teeth. Such conditions require visiting an orthodontist in Hialeah.

What are the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth of teeth cleaning?

Like any other medical treatment, a deep dental cleaning may have some adverse effects that are discussed below;

Sensitive teeth:

Do you have dirty teeth for a long time? There are possibilities that there is a hard layer of calculus over your teeth, known as tartar. When the dentist eliminates the layer of tartar, your teeth will expose to foods, liquids, and air after a long time which may cause teeth sensitivity. Maybe it is a temporary side effect that will disappear after some time.

Sore gums:

After the elimination of plaque & tartar from the near surface of the teeth and below the gum line can cause inflamed gums. This condition is prevalent after deep teeth cleaning. Your dentist may recommend OTC pain medicines and mouth rinses using salt water.

Bleeding gums:

During some particular situations like, removal of plaque & tartar from the severely affected area by gum diseases may result in minor & short-term gum bleeding. Moreover, a deep cleaning may also cause swollen gums on temporary bases. However, the swelling will become maybe quick. Your dentist may recommend antibiotics to reduce the swelling.

Recently noticeable gaps between your teeth:

Gaps between your teeth that are now clearly visible. Every one of your teeth has a space in between them, some of them extremely small and some of them more prominent. When food residue and tartar are allowed to build up on your teeth, plaque and tartar eventually seal the spaces. Eventually, those gaps vanish or become less noticeable. These initial gaps will become visible once the food debris, plaque, and tartar have been removed. Cleaning won’t make a gap, but you can forget about it.

Professional dental cleanings have mild and transient adverse effects. If you want to avoid them, schedule an appointment with your dentist for regular dental checkups.


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